Thursday 17 September 2020

Solutions of physics online class test - 2 of class 8

 1.A body X floats on water, a body Y sinks in water.The density of the body X is .......... than the density of body Y.

Ans. Less

2.The buoyant force experienced by a body when floating in Indian ocean is .......... that when floating in Dead sea.

Ans.  equal to

3.A body while floating .......... in water than in Glycerine.


4.Relative density of A is 2.7 . 150 cubic cm of A would have a mass of......... .

Ans. Relative density  of A = 2.7

V = 150 cm³

Mass of 150 cm³ = ?

Relative density= density of substance/density of water at 4 degree Celsius.

RD × density of water=density of a substance

Density of a substance=RD × density of water

                                         = 2.7 × 1gcm-³

                                         = 2.7 gcm-³

ρ= M/ V

ρ× V=M

M=ρ× V

  = 2.7 gcm-³ × 150 cm³

  = 405.0 g

  = 0.405 kg

5.A body A sinks in Alcohol but floats in Mercury.Density of A is in between ............ and ............ .

Ans.0.8g per cubic cm ,13.60 g per cubic cm

6.......... is the volume of an object of mass 600 kg if its density is 0.8 g per cubic cm.

Ans.V= ?

M= 600 kg

ρ=0.8 gcm-³

   = 0.8 × 1gcm-³

   = 0.8 × 1000 kgm-³

   = 800 kgm-³

ρ= M/ V 

ρ× V = M

V = M / ρ

V = 600 kg / 800 kg m-³

   = 3/4 m³

  = 0.75  m³

= 7.5 × 10 -⁷ cm³

7.The mass of an empty density bottle is 100 g, it is 145 g when filled completely with water and 135 g when filled completely with a liquid.Then density of liquid is ......... .

Ans.M₁=100 g

M₂=145 g

M₃= 135 g


ρ=M₃ - M₁ / M₂ - M₁

   = 35g / 45 cm³

   = 7/ 9 gcm-³

   = 0.77777 gcm-³

   = 777.78 kg m-3

8.Name a substance whose density is 8.9 g per cubic cm as per your physics textbook.

Ans. Copper.

9.Volume of substances varies with change in temperature but .......... remains constant.


10.The density of air is 1.30 g per cubic dm. Express it in 1) g per litre 2) g per cubic cm 3) kg per cubic m

Ans.ρ= 1.30 gdm-³

            = 1.30 g/ dm³

            = 1.30 g / 1 l ( 1L = 1dm³ )

            = 1.30 g / 1000 cm³ (1L = 1000 cm³)

            = 1.30/1000 gcm-³

            = 0.00130 gcm-³

            = 0.00130 × 1 gcm-³

            = 0.00130 × 1000 kgm-³ (1gcm-³ = 1000 kgm-³)

            = 1.30 kgm-3

So,the correct answer is option A.

1.30 ,0.00130 ,1.30.

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