Friday 9 October 2020

Solution of class test 4 of class 8

 1.The Gravitational unit of thrust in M.K.S system is


2.To reduce the pressure on a given area the total force applied is

Ans.  To reduce/ decrease.

3.1 Pascal is equal to

Ans. 1N/m²

4.An Elephant walk on any kind of ground

Ans.surface area occupied by its feet is more.

5.A man of mass 75 kg is sleeping on a bed .if the the area of a leg of the bed in contact with the ground is 7.5 cm square. find the pressure on the floor exerted by that man

Ans.mass = 75kg

     W=75 kg × g                                 (W= m×g)

        W= 75 Kgf

Area of  leg of bed = 7.5 cm²

In a bed number of leg =4

So , area of 4 legs of  bed= 4×7.5cm²

                                              =30.0 cm²

P=Thrust/ Area

P=75 Kgf / 30cm²

    = 7.5/3 kgfcm-²

    = 2.5 kgfcm-²

   = 2.5 × 10 N / 10-⁴ m². (1kgf= 9.8N ≈ 10N) & (1cm= 1/100 m ,1cm²= 10-⁴ m²)

   = 2.5 ×10⁵ Nm-². 

6.The thrust exerted by the blood in the veins our body is

Ans. Is slightly more than 1 atmospheric pressure.

7.Pressure exerted by a fluid is due to its

Ans weight.

8.Pressure inside a liquid increases with

Ans. Height of the liquid column.

9.To obtain a given moment of force for turning a body the force needed can be decreased by

Ans by applying force at the farthest point.

10.A person weighing 120 kgf stand on a platform  of dimension 2.5 cm × 0.5 cm. what pressure in Pascal does he exert

Ans.W= 120 Kgf

W= 120× 10N (1kgf=9.8N  ≈ 10N)

 = 1200 N

Dimensions means, length=2.5 cm

Breadth= 0.5cm


        = 2.5/ 100 m × 0.5/100 m

       = 1.25/10000 m²

P= thrust/area

= 1200N/( 1.25/10000 m²)

 = 1200×10000/ 1.25  Nm-²

=960 ×10000 Nm-²

= 9.60×10²×10⁴ Nm-²

= 9.6 × 10⁶ pa (1Nm-² = 1Pa )

11.The moment of a force of of 50 Newton about a point is 2.5 Newton metre. find the perpendicular distance of force from that point

Ans. Moment of force= 2.5 Mm

force= 50N

Perpendicular distance=?

Moment of force=perpendicular distance×force applied

Moment of force= d × F

d=moment of force/force

  = 2.5Nm/ 50N

  = 0.25/5 m

= 0.5 m

= 50cm.

= 500 mm

12.1 kgf is equal to

Ans. 9.8 N

13.What is the magnitude of thrust required in Newton to produce a pressure of 26500 Pascal on an area of 100 cm square?

Ans. Pressure=26500 pa

Area=100 cm²

         = 100 × 10-⁴ m²

         = 10-² m²


thrust= pressure× area

           = 26500 Pa  × 10-² m²

          = 2.6500 ×10⁴ Nm-² × 10-² m² (1Pa = 1Nm-²)

         = 2.65 ×10² N

14.A normal force of 100 Newton can produce a pressure of 100000 Pascal .calculate the area in centimetre square on which the force shall act to exert the pressure

Ans.F= 100N

P= 10⁵ Pa


P= F/A

A= F/ P

    = 100 N/ 10⁵ Pa

    = 10² N / 10⁵ Nm-²

    = 10-³ m²

   = 10-³ × 10⁴ cm² (1m²= 10⁴ cm²)

 = 10¹ cm²

15.At sea level the thrust on an area of 6 square metre is equal to

Ans. 1atm=1.013× 10⁵ Nm-² (at sea level)


 P = Thrust / area

Thrust = P × area

             = 1.013 × 10⁵ Pa × 6m²

             = 6.078 × 10⁵ Nm-² × m²

             = 6.078 × 10⁵ N

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