Wednesday 23 February 2022

Practice questions based on Chapter 6 (heat )for class 8

 1. A Green colour spherical metallic ball has a cavity inside. What will happen to the diameter of the ball if the ball is heated?explain it.

2. Why are  we able to sip hot tea or milk faster from a saucer rather than from a cup?

3. We all know that evaporation of a liquid takes place primarily from its surface. Use this fact to explain how the common practice of " spreading out spilled water " helps to speed up its rate of evaporation.

4. Find out the reason  of ' pressure cookers' being more effective in cooking  pulses at mountains and after places at greater Heights.

5. Are we correct in saying that liquids not only expand on heating but they do so more than solids?

6. The dimensions of an object are P, P/500 and P/1000. When this object is heated, its thermal expansion can be referred to as an example of what and Explain factors affecting it.

7. A Yellow coloured glass stopper has got stuck in the neck of a bottle. It can be e removed by pouring hot water on the neck of the bottle. Explain why?

8.An empty glass bottle is kept with its mouth in a tub of water. When it is heated at the top, bubbles of air escaping into the water. Explain it by giving reason.

9.A blue colour iron plate of dimensions 20 cm× 50 cm , at 10°C is is heated in a furnace, when the final area of plate is 1006 cm². If if the coefficient of linear expansion of iron is 0.000012 / °C, find the temperature of the Furnace?

10. The constant difference in length of iron rod ( A) and brass rod ( B) is 1.5 cm, when both the rods are heated through same range of temperature. Find the length of each rod? Coefficient of linear expansion for A and B are 12 × 10-⁶ / °C and 18 × 10-⁶ / °C.

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