Monday 21 February 2022

Solution of practice questions based on chapter 2( physical quantities and Measurement) of class 6

 1. No, it is not possible to measure height of a person by using 1 kg of mass because height is a different physical quantity than the mass. And we also know that kg is the SI unit of mass where as the SI unit of length is metre. In order to measure height of a person we should use metre only.

2. A metre ruler can be used to measure the thickness of a coin even if it is less than 1 mm. For this the height of a stack of few number of coins Say 10 coin, is measured by using the metre rule and then the thickness of a coin is obtained by dividing the height with the number of coins in the stack.

3. To express the area of a big agricultural field or a city, we use the bigger units of area called the decametre² (are),hectare and km².

1 decametre² = 1dam × 1 dam

                        = 10 m × 10 m

                       = 100 m²

                       = 10² m²

1 hectare = 100 m × 100 m

                  = 10000 m²

                  = 10⁴ m²

1 kilometre² = 1 km × 1 km

                        = 1 × 10³ m × 1× 10³ m

                        = 10³ m × 10³ m

                        = 10⁶ m²

                        = 1000000 m².

4. Area of a big rectangular field can be measured by using formula method. If length and breadth of a rectangular field is given then we can use the formula as

Area of a rectangular field= length × breadth.

Area of a leaf can be  calculated by using graphical method. Place the given leaf on a graph paper. Draw its outline on the paper and remove it. Count the number of complete square. 10 had the number of incomplete squares which are half or more than half within the outline. Ignore the square which are less than half within the outline. This number one x the area of one square gives the approximate area of the given leave.

Area = (number of complete square + number of half or more than half of incomplete square) ×area of 1 square.

 By using graphical method we can find approximate area of any irregular shape body. Whereas area of any regular shape body can be formed by using formula method.

5. 1 clinical Thermometer is used by  doctors to measure the temperature of a patient where as laboratory thermometer is used in physics lab to measure temperature of a body for experiment purpose.

2. Range of clinical thermometer is from 35 degree celsius to 42 degree Celsius whereas the range of laboratory thermometer is from -10 degree Celsius to 110 degree Celsius.

3. Clinical thermometer is used to measure very small temperature where as laboratory thermometer is used to measure temperature of  ice to boiling water .

6. 1. Those Physical quantities which are not dependentor related among themselves are called fundamental quantities. Whereas derived quantities are those physical quantities which depends on fundamental quantities.

2. Some examples of fundamental quantities are  length ,mass ,time ,temperature ,current, amount of substance etc. Whereas area ,volume ,speed ,density , acceleration are some examples of derived quantities.

7. Mass can be defined as amount of substance contained or present in a body.


The mass of the body is the quantity of matter contained in it.

The SI unit of mass is kg.

Definition- in 1889  1 kg was defined as the mass of a cylinder of platinum iridium alloy kept at the International Bureau of weights and measures at serves near Paris.


The mass of one litre of water at 4 degree celsius is taken as 1 kg.

8. 5days 5minutes 5 seconds= 5×24hr +5×60s +5s

                                                   = 5×24×1hr + 300s + 5s

                                                    =5×24×60minutes + 305 s

                                                    =5×24×60×1minute + 305 s

                                                     =5×24×60×60s + 305s

                                                     = 120×3600 s + 305 s

                                                     = 422000 s + 305s

                                                      =422305 s.

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