Sunday, 7 August 2022

Geography first term exam of class 6 2022

 Section - A (30 marks)

Q1 on the outline map of the world: (14)

1.1 label and also shade with different colours

- South America, Africa, Australia and Asia.

1.2 draw and also name- the equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.

1.3 label in the right places - Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean.

1.4 draw with blue colour pencil- river Amazon and river Nile. Also label them.

1.5 shade with blue colour pencil Red Sea and Caspian Sea.

Q2. Draw conventional signs and symbols for the following: (6×1=6)

2.1 International boundary

2.2 metal Road

2.3 unmetal Road

2.4 state boundary

2.5 rivers

2.6 Railway lines with railway stations

Q3. Answer the following questions in brief:(5×2=10)

3.1 what is compass?

3.2 name some of the basic elements of map.

3.3 name any two inland seas.

3.5 which colour would  you use to show the following on a map:

3.5 a) mountains

3.5b) lesser depth of water

Q4 Define following:(5×1=5)

4.1 isotherms

4.2 contour lines

4.3 scale

4.4 tributary

4.5 conventional sign

Q5 fill in the blanks: (5×1=5)

5.1 ........... is the worlds largest lake.

5.2 ............ is the African largest tropical lake.

5.3 ........... is the longest river of Canada.

5.4. Indus river Rises from........... .

5.5 .......... and .......... are the major rivers of Australia.

Section B (20 marks) {4×5=20}

Answer any four questions from this section

Q1.1 define map.

1.2 what is cartography?

1.3 what are the major types of maps? Explain.

Q2.1 what is Hydrosphere?

2.2 analyse the importance of oceans.

2.3 define ocean.

Q3.1 write three features of Pacific Ocean.

3.2 define sea.

3.3 name the largest ocean animal.

Q4.1 what is a scale? Explain two common types of scale.

4.2 what is importance of grid system?

Q5.1write two features of Indian Ocean.

5.2 name two Seas of Indian Ocean.

5.3 name the major oceans of the world 

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