Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Class 7 final term 2022 physics paper

Final exam 2021-2022 session

Class - 7  

Subject - physics

 Time:2Hr.      M.M:80

Attempt all questions of section A and any 4 complete questions of section - B.

                          Section A (40 marks)

1. Write true or false - (1×10=10)

1.1 the speed 5 meter per second is more than 25 km per hour.

1.2A motion which repeats itself after fixed interval of time is called non periodic motion.

1.3 mass has magnitude only, but no direction.

1.4 potential energy changes into kinetic energy when it is put to use.

1.5 the image formed by a plane mirror is always in enlarged.

1.6 objects seen around us are mostly due to irregular reflection of light.

1.7 solids expand the most and the gases expand the list on being heated.

1.8 pitch of sound depends on amplitude of vibration.

1.9 s-¹ is a unit of frequency.

1.10 an electromagnet with soft iron core is a temporary magnet.

2. Fill in the blanks: (1×10=10)

2.1 unlike magnetic poles ,............. Each other.

2.2 frequency is the number of......... a body vibrates in one second.

2.3 a person is said to have no fever if his body temperature is ......... to 37 degree Celsius.

2.4A ........ Image is always upright.

2.5  5calories = .......... Joule.

2.6 cooking gas converts ......... energy into heat energy.

2.7 average speed × time taken = .........

2.8 A spring balance measures ...... Of a body.

2.9 a graph paper measures ....... of and irregular lamina.

2.10 gcm-³ is the .........  unit of density.

3. Answer in short: (2×10=20)

3.1 name any two devices which are used to measure the volume of an object.

3.2 define the term density of a substance.

3.3 what is called translatory motion? Give an example.

3.4 what is vibratory motion? Give an example.

3.5 state the SI unit of energy and define it.

3.6 name the two kinds of mechanical energy and define them.

3.7 what do you mean by the term reflection of light?

3.8 why is mercury used as an ideal therometric liquid?

3.9 the bees do not have the voice boxes. How do they produce sound?

3.10 state the laws of reflection of light.

                          Section B (40marks)

4.1 state two properties of a bar magnet.

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