Sunday, 29 January 2023

Class 9 practice questions - 2 based on chapter 1 ( measurements and experimentation)

 Short question answer

1.write definition of following terms:

1.1Effective length of a simple pendulum

1.2 backlash error

1.3 second's pendulum

1.4 least count of a vernier calipers.

1.5 unified atomic mass unit

Q2. State the principle of a screw gauge.

Q3. Express 8 parsec in light years.

Q4. compare the time periods to two pendulums of length 1m and 16 m.

Q5. Assume the radius of Earth as 6.37 × 10⁶ m. Find  its circumference in kilometre?

Q6. A fat boy on a diet lose 2.5 kg per the mass loss rate in milligram per second, if the fat boy could sense the loss second by second.

Q7. The thimble of screw gauge has 50 divisions. The spindle advanced 2 mm when the screw is given 4 revolutions.

     A) what is the pitch of the screw?

     B) what is the least count of the screw gauge?

     C) while measuring the diameter of a given wire, the main scale reads 4 mm and 46 mark on circular scale coincides with the baseline. Find the diameter of wire?

Q8.Draw a graph showing the variation of square of time period with length of the simple pendulum. How this graph can be used to determine the acceleration due to gravity?

Q9.find the dimensions of a cube from the given data of readings using a vernier calipers. In the main scale 1 cm is divided into 20 parts. Number of divisions on the vernier scale=25 , zero error= - 0.016 cm

When the cube is held between the jaws,the position of the zero of the vernier caliper is between 2.85 cm and 2.9 cm and the coinciding division of vernier caliper is 10th.

Q10. What do you mean by a Light year? A star is at a distance of 8 light years from the Earth. Find the distance of this star in kilometres? The speed of light is 3 × 10⁸ ms-¹.

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