Sunday, 5 February 2023

Class 6 practice questions based on light

 Q1. Answer the following questions in short:

1.1 prove that light always travels in a straight line with the help of suitable activity or example.

1.2 why is the image formed in a pinhole camera?

1.3 define umbra. Explain the formation of shadows by small source of light.

1.4 explain why,we often see bright circular patches of light on the ground under a tree on a sunny day?

1.5 what conclusion do you get from the fact that when an object is placed in the path of light, a shadow is formed behind the object?

1.6 what is a pinhole camera? Explain its working and principle with the help of a suitable well labelled diagram.

1.7 what is an annular solar eclipse? State three conditions of its occurrence.

1.8 why flying objects like aeroplane and birds do not cast shadow on the earth surface? Explain it with the help of suitable diagram.

1.9 although moon is a non luminous body but yet it shines during the night time. Explain it the help of suitable diagram.

1.10 define following terms:

A. Light

B. Natural source of light

C. Artificial source of light

D. Bio luminescence

E. Ray of light

F. Parallel beam of light

G. Convergence beam of light

H. Divergence beam of light

I. Beam of light

J. Translucent object

Q2. Descriptive questions:

2.1 what are eclipses? Write the difference between lunar and solar eclipse.

2.2 what are the factors that affect the size of the image produced by a pinhole camera?

2.3 write the characteristics of image formed by the pinhole camera. Write four points.

2.4 what do you mean by partial solar eclipse?

2.5what do you mean by diamond ring? State the conditions of its occurrence.

Q3. Give reasons for the following:

3.1 we get a lunar eclipse only during a full moon.

3.2 we do not get a solar eclipse on every new moon day.

3.3 we do not see any shadow of a bird flying high up in the sky.

3.4we get both the umbra and the penempura regions in the shadow of an opaque object when we use a finite source of light.

3.5 we see and inverted image of the object on the screen of a pinhole camera.

Q4. Distinguish between:

4.1 solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.

4.2 natural source and artificial source of light.

4.3 umbra and penumbra

4.4 convergence and divergence beam of light.

4.5 translucent ,transparent and opaque objects.

Q5 encircle the odd one and give the reasons:

5.1 wooden board, butter paper, stone, book

5.2 water, glass, air ,frosted glass

5.3 electric bulb, Sun ,candle ,book.

5.4  paper bag, water bottle, pencil box, firefly.

5.5 pinhole camera, formation of shadows, scattered sunlight, eclipses.

Q6 choose the correct option:

6.1 we can see objects in a bright room because:

A. The objects give off light to the air

B. The objects send light away from our eyes

C. Our eyes give off light to the objects

D. The objects reflect the light falling on them.

6.2 in which of the following condition, does the shadow form?

A. When the object lies behind the screen

B. When there is source of light and an object but no screen.

C. When screen is between the object and the source of light.

D. When the object lies between the source of light and screen.

6.3 when does the lunar eclipse occur?

A. When the moon comes between the sun and the earth.

B. When the sun comes between the Earth and the moon

C. On full moon day and during night time, when three heavenly bodies comes in a straight line.

D. None of these.

6.4 the object that does not give out light on its own is the:

A. Star 

B. Lighted matchstick

C. Light bulb

D. Shining mirror

6.5 which of the following material allows light to pass through it?

A. Copper

B. Rubber

C. Water


Q7. Write true or false. Rewrite the false statement.

7.1 light does not always travel in straight line.

7.2 A shadow always resembles the shape and size of the object.

7.3 if the shadow of earth falls on the moon, the eclipseis called solar eclipse.

7.4 the image in a pinhole camera gets blurred if the hole is made smaller.

7.5 we cannot see an object through a transparent medium.

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