Saturday, 4 February 2023

Class 9 physics practice paper -1 of 80 marks.

 SECTION -A ( attempt all questions)  [40 marks [

Q1. Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options:

1.1 According to the principle of vernier calipers, length of m divisions on vernier scale= length of ....... Divisions of the main scale.

A. n

B. m

C. n+1

D. m+1

1.2 shreyansh throw se ball vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 49 m per second. The maximum height attend by ball is

A. 6300 cm

B. 12250 cm

C. 9800 cm

D. 14700 cm

1.3 a force of 8 Newton gives a mass N  , an acceleration of 8 ms-² and a mass P , an acceleration of 24 ms-². What acceleration would it  give, if both the masses are tied together?

A. 12 ms-²

B. 6 ms-²

C. 10 ms-²

D. 8 ms-²

1.4 unit of force

A. Kgf

B. Newton

C. dyne

D. All of these

1.5 the pressure exerted by a liquid at a depth X below it surface is directly proportional to

A. 1/ g 

B. 1/X

C. Density of liquid

D. All of these

1.6 mass of a substance was volume is 2m³ and relative density is 0.52 , is 

A. 1160 kg

B. 1560 kg 

C. 1040 kg 

D. 520 kg 

1.7 on heating a gas contained in a vessel, pressure exerted by a gas on the wall of the container........

A. First increase then decrease

B. Increase

C. Decrease

D. Remains constant

1.8 ............. law of thermodynamics states that " energy can neither be created nor be destroyed , but it can be transform from one form to another ".

A. 1st

B. 2nd

C. 3rd

D. 4 th

1.9 geothermal is the energy derived from the Hotspots..........  the earth.

A. Above

B. Beneath

C. At the surface of

D. All of these.

1.10 a wave of periodic time 0.004 s travels with speed of  48/10 kms-¹ in iron, then it's wavelength in iron is (speed of sound in air= 332 ms-¹)

A.  13.3 m

B. 1.33 m

C. 19.2 m 

D. 19.6 m

1.11 in a pond ripples are sent and a floating object goes up six times in 15 seconds. The wave crests are 0.4 m apart, speed of the water wave is 

A. 3 ms-¹

B. 0.4 ms-¹

C. 2.5 ms-¹

D. 0.16 ms-¹

1.12 properties of a magnet are

A. Repulsive property

B. Directive property

C. Attractive property

D. All of these.

1.13 how many electronics charges form 2 coulomb of charge

A. 6.25 × 10¹⁷ 

B.1250 × 10¹⁷

C. 1.250 × 10 ¹⁷

D. 1.25 × 10 ¹⁸

1.14 charge of 10 coulomb passes through the cross section of a conductor in 5 seconds, then current is

A. 50 A

B. 2. 0A 

C. 0.50 A

D. 0.2 A 

1.15 the distance between two consecutive drops in a wave train produced in a string is 5 cm. The speed of the wave, if two complete waves pass through any point per second is

A. 5 cm per second

B. 15 cm per second

C. 20 cm per second

D. 10 cm per second.

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